Baru baru ini dapat software untuk mendeteksi makhluk halus macam pocong, gendruwo, tuyul, baik yang masih anak-anak sampe yang udah mbah mbah he...cucunya aja serem apa lagi mbahnya hi....jelas dijamin mak lampir seremnya he...

Mang sih selama percobaan saya belum ada makhluk halus yang kedeteksi, malah yang kedeteksi cewek cewek yang halus kulitnya he... Tapi mungkin si hantu pada takut coz di rumah lumayan sering juga di bacakan Al-Quran. Mungkin panas hantunya. Jadi kalo mau coba ngetes software ini, isi tuh batre laptop sampe full terus bawa laptop ke tempat yang dianggap paling serem, jangan lupa waktu yang serem juga kaya malam kliwon hi...siapa tau ada yang nyangkut tuh pocong atau gendruwo...Kan bisa dijadikan pacar sehari he...

Berikut ini adalah info dari situs aslinya.

Is XParanormal Real?
We believe the application is effective as an EMF detector or any other ghost detection tools. The theory of what is happening is that spirit of the dead can be made aware of their ability to influence the electronics of your computer. You must decide for yourself if the readings are the true indication of actual paranormal activity. Keep a history of your strange readings. Tell us about it at, and let us know what you find with XParanormal Detector. Please note we offer no guarantees of accuracy or any warranties, therefore, since results from this application cannot be verified scientifically the app should be used for entertainment purposes.
How does XParanormal Detector work?
Computers are amazing devices filled with electronic transceivers. To name a few, there is a WiFi transceiver, Webcam, TVTuner, Netword Adapter, and a microphone. As you can see there are plenty of ways for paranormal activity to interact with the computer, the trick is to interpret the readings from these electronic transceivers and present them in a way to help track the paranormal activity.

XParanormal Detector uses the readings from the electronic transceivers to measure anomalous changes in the Rapid Single Flux Quantum . XParanormal Detector tracks the readings and analyzes them; watching for strange behavior. Based on a multitude of different readings and historical trends XParanormal Detector uses a proprietary algorithm to present various visual and audible representations of the readings.

Which part controls the R-Flux detection and the pulse energy?
The R-Flux calcultation starts when XParanormal Detector detects high pulsations of energy. Both cards Netword adaoter and WIFI adapter are used a the same time if available. Making a better detection.The WIFI is more prone to get clearer pulsations, we beleive. The pulse energy part tries to eliminate the noise or garbage first. That is why you normally see it move first. And sometimes it does not even get to the R-Flux detection because there was too much garbage in the pulsations.

Untuk yang mau coba-coba jadi Ghost buster langsung aja download di sini, lalu ikuti langkah berikut :

2.nyalain WIfi
3.masuk seting,liat kolom bawah.. masukin SN : KUD-59718
4.tutup appsnya
5.jalanin appsnya
6.detec hardware.
7.tungguin aja.. sinyal dr radarnya..


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